What is Nice User Interface or Friendly for End user for non CS background. Create React app Beakerbrowser Complain about…
How to speed up WordPress by disable useless Jetpack modules
If your site often “Waiting for pixel.wp.com”, then you gonna switch off some useless Jetpack built-in modules. Enjoy ? Photo…
Visual Studio Code install Fira code fonts
Programmers use a lot of symbols, often encoded with several characters. For the human brain, sequences like ->, <= or…
What is UI and UX
What is UI UI, User interface it’s a design of the elements that make up an interface, such as buttons,…
Free Material Design Resources 免费的Android扁平化设计的素材
网站直通车:IconShock Material Design Icons 它是基于Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. 分享的,大家可以尽情使用哦,不过他免费版的只有757个,付费的话就有4千多个咯,不过个人觉得够用了~~
Coolors 网站设计/UIUX视觉设计颜色搭配
这是Adobe 提供界面设计使用的简单、快速、无需安装的配色工具 会每次生成5种配色方案,会显示颜色代码,可以快速选择自己喜爱的方案咯 网站直通车:http://coolors.co