This demo will do a CDK demo guide you how to share a VPC cross various CDK projects.
How AWS Lambda works with SSM Secure string
Env: VScode, Mbpr, aws-cdk:1.25.0, Typescript Implementation By default I hope I can inject SSM secure string to a Lambda, unfortunately,…
Fix node-gyp error on Mac
MacOS version: 10.15.3 CatalinaNode: 12.x LTS If you got this node gyp error, then here will be you solution. Reinstall…
Allowing AWS Lambda reaching Internet via NAT and VPC
Here is the example show you that how to route AWS Lambda to internet through VPC and NAT
Fetching API using React useState and useEffect
ENV: React 16.9, Nodejs 12IDE: Visual Studio CodeOS: Mac OSX Photo by ROOM on Unsplash
Cordova build ios error
Cordova build Ios error
Windows bat note
Learning about Windows BAT command
Mac Java Home setup
EnvironmentMac: Mojave 10.14.6Java: JDK 8 JDK download : Oracle Java 8 Cordova issue Check current installed Java version on your…
Fix call function of mobile Facebook Messenger
Tested environment1. Android 9 Oneplus62. iOS 12 Iphone SE This issue has been annoyed me for couple months. While using…
Fix wordpress admin can’t update and database error
Env: Hosted on VPS Debian9 PHP7.3 + Nginx 1.6 Fix admin cant update wordpress Jetpack blocked your IP Force disable…