One of my friend who introduce my as the Backblaze B2 alternative to back up Server, Work’s laptop or…
Self-hosted docker registry on Debian
Installation Docker Caddy web server as reverse proxy Docker daemon You will get a personal registry with basic auth and…
VPS stuck at HTTP request sent and HTTPS cannot establish handshake solution
How I encounter this wired MTU issue I got this error when renting some VPS from Operating…
The power of regex in VSCode
Remove lines Example raw data Solution Remove all top level domain with new lines Search with ^$ , replace with…
Docker shadowsocks on Debian
Installation Grab a VPS dual stack IPv4/IPv6 with Debian 10. Install docker Setup docker Source: Setup iptables firewall Setup…
Shell script beautify with shfmt
Beautify shell script with shfmt :+1: Github repo: Installation Format Photo by Farzad Nazifi on Unsplash
Fix SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Operating system: Mac OSX Big Sur 11.2 When you encountered this error SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer…
Ubuntu | Debian server install VNC, XRDP
Last update: 2022-12-19 Using Tasksel A tool can easy help you by installing desktop Ubuntu GNOME desktop Use the arrow…
Serving WordPress with Caddy 2
Caddy config: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile Nginx config Fixing SSL error on WordPress Add code below in to wp-config.php Source: 1.…
How to disable favicons on Firefox Safari Chrome to prevent tracking and redirect
Brave (Chromium) Go to ~/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/Default Set Favicon into /dev/null sudo cp -a /dev/null Favicons Restart Brave browser Firefox Mac…