Tested environment1. Android 9 Oneplus62. iOS 12 Iphone SE This issue has been annoyed me for couple months. While using…
IPtables default setup on Debian
Reset your IPtables and IP6tables Everytime restart will restore saved IPtables rules via rc.local Others useful method Photo by Arnold Leow on Unsplash…
Fix MySQL cant resolve
MySQL localhost cant resolve cause phpMyAdmin cannot login issue Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash
Using rsync moving files and folders between linux
If you want to move a folder or file from under same machine, then mv will be enough, but if…
MTR on Mac
MTR is similar to a traceroute test that tests the network connections/path between your physical location and your server here on…
MySQL 5.7 backup and restore
Here are some easiest solution for me backup all SQL and restore Export: Look up the documentation for mysqldump. You may…
Cleanup .git object files
If you ever had a massive object files under directory /myproject/.git/objects then you come to right place, this tutorial will…
Use TLS1.3 with Ocserv anyconnect on Debian
I already use ocserv Anyconnect on my Debian Bust for a couple of months. Now I want to try to…
Github mirror repository
An easy way to mirror a GitHub repo without forking. Step to mirror a repo Create a new repo (private)…
Firefox enable unsafe port
There have been some reports about, users who are trying to connect to a web server with different ports but…