A note for how I renew blahdns.com let’s encrypt SSL cert Updated 20, Jan 2020 Photo by Jahsie Ault on…
Firefox bypass HSTS limitation
Firefox won’t let you click “add to exception” option. Why? REDDIT post Here is how I tested on my Mac…
Common User agents for Browser
Updated March 28 2021 If you care about your browsing privacy and avoiding being tracked by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix,…
Debian common way to block IP
Here I will list out common way that I use IPtables and IPset to block IP Updated June 22, 2019…
Linux tar gz, bz2, xz comparison
In the UNIX/Linux community, traditionally, if you want to compress files, you usually use tar plus gzip compression. Later, gzip…
How to config Nginx 1.17 support Brotli Stream
This is a note shows how I config my Debian9 Nginx 1.17.0server to support Brotli, Stream module Config files Download…
PHP7 fpm tweak for small VPS
Env: Debian9, PHP-7.3 FPMVPS: 1GB or 512 MB Ram
MySQL tweak on small VPS
How to Optimize MySQL Performance Using MySQLTuner Env: Debian9, MySQL 5.7The MySQLTuner script assesses your MySQL installation and then outputs suggestions for…
Reduce Go binary size
I will show a simple way to reduce Go binary size Dev env: go version go1.11.5 darwin/amd64 Mac OSX 10.14…
Debian install PHP and Caddy for Pi-hole
Server environment1. Debian10 Buster sid Updated Oct 25, 2019 Install PHP 7.4 PPA Install PHP7.4 Install Caddy Config a site…