Server env: 1. Ubuntu 18.04 64bit2. Vultr / Linode Bonus part about forward non Moderntld into GoogleDNS or Quad9 References:…
Automatically loading iptables rules on Debian/Ubuntu
If you want your iptables rules automatically loaded every time your networking comes up on your Debian or Ubuntu server,…
Custom DNS on Ubuntu
Updated 2019-02-27 Server: Ubuntu 18.04 Provider: Vultr First of all, there are many tricks.. to set custom DNS on the…
Unity3d with Myo SDK
Dev env 1. Mac High Sierra2. Unity 5.6 / 2017.23. Latest Myo SDK To fix this problem Replace with this renderer.material…
Install Golang on Ubuntu 17
Server OS: Ubuntu 17.04 x64 Download latest Go lib: Then, tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz Then put those code into ~/.profile export…
小米路由器3g 刷Padavan
注意:刷機代表自動放棄保固,請三思 不過基本上都厭倦了吧,開始刷吧~~~ 路由器:小米路由器3g 電腦:Mac OSX High Sierra 連線方式: LAN (建議) 解鎖小米路由器root功能 確保你的小米路由器已綁定小米賬號,且在Chrome 登入 這里ROM 去下載 開發版 ,領取你的ssh 密碼,用戶名:…
Restore iptables on system boot
Os: Ubuntu 17.04 Assuming you have the firewall rules in: /etc/iptables.up.rules Perhaps the most obvious answer will be to create…
A way to merge with upstream latest Github forked project
Environment: Mac 10.12, Github, SSH, keys, First, make sure you added ur current Mbpr id keys to Github ( Next,…
Ubuntu enable tcp bbr 開啟bbr
TCP BBR 的目的是要盡量跑滿頻寬, 並且盡量不要有排隊等待的情況,效果並不比速銳來的差。 首先,確保你的主機 Kernel > 4.9 以上,若要更新Kernel到最新版本,可以參考這個 教學範例 假設主機的Kernel > 4.9 以上,我們要開啟該功能,若有跟新Kernel,請記得Reboot主機先 ssh 輸入該指令 echo “net.core.default_qdisc=fq” >> /etc/sysctl.conf…
How to update Ubuntu kernel to latest version
Update Ubuntu kernel to Latest version (Updated 2018.04.08) OS: Ubuntu 14+, XEN, KVM 64bit Goto: