Step 1: Install git and config ssh_key Step 2: Github repo ssh key Step 3: Push file to origin (without…
Cloudflare Origin Certificates with Nginx on Debian10
Server information Debian 10 Nginx 19 A valid domain proxied on Cloudflare Warning Origin cert only support,…
Mac iTerm remote ssh 中文亂碼修復
本機使用 zsh 讓設定生效 遠端 Linux Server (Debian 為例) 重啟 SSH 並重新登入 Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Self-host Git with Gitea on Debian
Last update: Sep 18, 2021 We use SQLite as database in this example tutorial. Create a user for Gitea Download…
Useful DNS configuration
Some useful DNS configuration
Debian 10 configure PHP7-fpm with Nginx
A simple tutorial shows how to install PHP7 fpm on Debian.
Debian install latest kernel and remove old kernel
Environment: Debian 10 buster 64bitApt version: Sid or Unstable Step 1 Switch apt channel to unstable *recommendedCheck current kernel version:…
WordPress add custom feilds in Post Category
Solution 1: Add code Inside your themes directory funcitons.php , add code below Screenshot Solution 2: Advanced Custom Field Image…
Deploy NPM package to Github package registry
This article will demonstrate how to publish a package to Github package registry.
Fix Debian10 apt public key is not available
If you having public key is not available or miss delete trusted.gpg file under /etc/apt/, here are the solution. Solution