Brave (Chromium) Go to ~/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/Default Set Favicon into /dev/null sudo cp -a /dev/null Favicons Restart Brave browser Firefox Mac…

Python simple HTTP server
If you are using Python3 and if you try to start the SimpleHTTPServer then you will get the error like No module named…

Windows bat auto restart computer
Windows 10 64bit Prepare two files, shutdown.bat and count.txt on you Desktop Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

Windows bat note
Learning about Windows BAT command

My personal privacy concern tools
Updated on Nov. 1, 2019 Mozilla Firefox add-on uBlock origin / Nano Adblock Anti-Adblock warning remover Trace User-agent switcher Cache…

Cleanup .git object files
If you ever had a massive object files under directory /myproject/.git/objects then you come to right place, this tutorial will…

Firefox bypass HSTS limitation
Firefox won’t let you click “add to exception” option. Why? REDDIT post Here is how I tested on my Mac…

Common User agents for Browser
Updated March 28 2021 If you care about your browsing privacy and avoiding being tracked by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix,…

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox quantom on Mac
From Firefox 57 onward, Mozilla’s browser has gone through a whole load of changes, overhauling it’s under- and over-the-hood functions…

Mozilla Firefox enable DNS-over-https
Enable Dns ove HTTPS in Firefox