There have been some reports about, users who are trying to connect to a web server with different ports but…

Renew let’s encrypt SSL cert on Debian
A note for how I renew let’s encrypt SSL cert Updated 20, Jan 2020 Photo by Jahsie Ault on…

Firefox bypass HSTS limitation
Firefox won’t let you click “add to exception” option. Why? REDDIT post Here is how I tested on my Mac…

Common User agents for Browser
Updated March 28 2021 If you care about your browsing privacy and avoiding being tracked by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix,…

Debian common way to block IP
Here I will list out common way that I use IPtables and IPset to block IP Updated June 22, 2019…

Cloudflare CDN trace method
Here will show how you see which Cloudflare CDN server being use. For my site as an example, you…

Linux tar gz, bz2, xz comparison
In the UNIX/Linux community, traditionally, if you want to compress files, you usually use tar plus gzip compression. Later, gzip…

Fix visual studio code Mac Could not create temporary directory: Permission denied
I got this error on Mac OS 10.14 VSCode with following error messageCould not create temporary directory: Permission denied Solutions…

Visual Studio Code install Fira code fonts
Programmers use a lot of symbols, often encoded with several characters. For the human brain, sequences like ->, <= or…

Fix id_rsa permission are too open
On mac, when you copy ur backed up id_rsa from other computer, it will show an error permissions 0644 for…