First of all, my budget for modern 10USD vps provider are Vultr, Linode, Digitalocean. So let’s have a look about…

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox quantom on Mac
From Firefox 57 onward, Mozilla’s browser has gone through a whole load of changes, overhauling it’s under- and over-the-hood functions…
Ubuntu 18.04 compile unbound dns
First step download and make install Make it auto start Edit unbound.conf file Refences
VScode Mac useful keys
Shift + opt + mouse click and drag up/down to select multiline items Find and select all 1- Ctrl + F2-…
Mac OSX chflag lock file
Lock sudo chflags schg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist Unlock

Mozilla Firefox enable DNS-over-https
Enable Dns ove HTTPS in Firefox
Setup DNS-over-https in Mac OSX
Installation Using caddy server as https proxy Reference:

Block China IP by Iptables
Servers: Debian9 Install ipset Next, I wrote a small Bash script to do all the work, which you should be…
Setup Unbound DNS resolve Opennic domain
Server env: Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Vultr Installation Get latest Opennic hints Verification Go: in your server IPv4/6 References: 1.…
Enable ipv6 with OpenVPN
Server: VultrOS: Ubuntu 18.04Protocol: TCPOpenvpn: 2.4.6 A lot of time, I struggled with Ipv6. Is it necessary to have it or…