I separated different WordPress installation under the same domain name, but I need each of them have it own rewrite…
Contribute OpenNIC Tier2 DNS server
Server env: 1. Ubuntu 18.04 64bit2. Vultr / Linode Bonus part about forward non Moderntld into GoogleDNS or Quad9 References: https://wiki.opennic.org/opennic/srvzone…
Automatically loading iptables rules on Debian/Ubuntu
If you want your iptables rules automatically loaded every time your networking comes up on your Debian or Ubuntu server,…
Using NPM compile SASS to css
Updated on June 27, 2020On your project you have to run npm init -y then install node sass package In…
Setup android adb on Mac
Option 1 – Using Homebrew This is the easiest way and will provide automatic updates. Install homebrewruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)”…
Custom DNS on Ubuntu
Updated 2019-02-27 Server: Ubuntu 18.04 Provider: Vultr First of all, there are many tricks.. to set custom DNS on the…
Unity3d with Myo SDK
Dev env 1. Mac High Sierra2. Unity 5.6 / 2017.23. Latest Myo SDK To fix this problem Replace with this renderer.material…
Install Golang on Ubuntu 17
Server OS: Ubuntu 17.04 x64 Download latest Go lib: https://redirector.gvt1.com/edgedl/go/go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz Then, tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz Then put those code into ~/.profile export…
小米路由器3g 刷Padavan
注意:刷機代表自動放棄保固,請三思 不過基本上都厭倦了吧,開始刷吧~~~ 路由器:小米路由器3g 電腦:Mac OSX High Sierra 連線方式: LAN (建議) 解鎖小米路由器root功能 確保你的小米路由器已綁定小米賬號,且在Chrome 登入 http://www.miwifi.com/miwifi_download.html 這里ROM 去下載 開發版 https://d.miwifi.com/rom/ssh ,領取你的ssh 密碼,用戶名:…
Restore iptables on system boot
Os: Ubuntu 17.04 Assuming you have the firewall rules in: /etc/iptables.up.rules Perhaps the most obvious answer will be to create…