Useful collection of git command

Debian 10 configure PHP7-fpm with Nginx
A simple tutorial shows how to install PHP7 fpm on Debian.

Debian install latest kernel and remove old kernel
Environment: Debian 10 buster 64bitApt version: Sid or Unstable Step 1 Switch apt channel to unstable *recommendedCheck current kernel version:…

WordPress add custom feilds in Post Category
Solution 1: Add code Inside your themes directory funcitons.php , add code below Screenshot Solution 2: Advanced Custom Field Image…

Deploy NPM package to Github package registry
This article will demonstrate how to publish a package to Github package registry.

Fix Debian10 apt public key is not available
If you having public key is not available or miss delete trusted.gpg file under /etc/apt/, here are the solution. Solution

Open-sourced computer and mobile devices
Computer System76 (Laptop, Mini, Desktop, Server) – – (Desktop, Mini, Server, Laptop) – Mobile phone E-foundation –…

Python3 on Mac SSL certificate verify failed
Lib: json, urllib.request Sample code Error Solution via Install Certificate.command Solution via pip upgrade Solution workaround in code

Why does open-source software have such ugly interfaces?
What is Nice User Interface or Friendly for End user for non CS background. Create React app Beakerbrowser Complain about…

Docker clean up overlay
Updated: July 28, 2020 If you are having docker /var/lib/docker/overlay use almost of your storage, then you should ran some…