Install k0s on 1 cluster and 2 worker nodes Prepare `k0sctl` on your local machine, I use Mac for example.…

Fail2ban startup fail on Debian
Error message The key message: Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for sshd jail Solution Edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local…

Debian remote desktop with VNC with XFCE Desktop environment
This is the continue tutorial for Debian remote desktop with XRDP with XFCE Desktop environment. Here is the quick way…

Debian 11 setup Ikev2 VPN
A tutorial about how to setup Ikev2 VPN with Let’s Encrypt SSL Updated Aug 11, 2022 Fixed Google GCP default…

Install Cisco anyconnect VPN on Debian 9 with SSL ready
Updated Jun 09, 2019 Installation step Recommended configuration Config your iptables Fixing DTLS Handshake Failure On Debian9 or Ubuntu 18.04,…
Custom DNS on Ubuntu
Updated 2019-02-27 Server: Ubuntu 18.04 Provider: Vultr First of all, there are many tricks.. to set custom DNS on the…
Install Golang on Ubuntu 17
Server OS: Ubuntu 17.04 x64 Download latest Go lib: Then, tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz Then put those code into ~/.profile export…
Restore iptables on system boot
Os: Ubuntu 17.04 Assuming you have the firewall rules in: /etc/iptables.up.rules Perhaps the most obvious answer will be to create…

Ubuntu enable tcp bbr 開啟bbr
TCP BBR 的目的是要盡量跑滿頻寬, 並且盡量不要有排隊等待的情況,效果並不比速銳來的差。 首先,確保你的主機 Kernel > 4.9 以上,若要更新Kernel到最新版本,可以參考這個 教學範例 假設主機的Kernel > 4.9 以上,我們要開啟該功能,若有跟新Kernel,請記得Reboot主機先 ssh 輸入該指令 echo “net.core.default_qdisc=fq” >> /etc/sysctl.conf…
How to update Ubuntu kernel to latest version
Update Ubuntu kernel to Latest version (Updated 2018.04.08) OS: Ubuntu 14+, XEN, KVM 64bit Goto: